How to conquer the Sagittarius lover

One's life is the most important is not fame and fortune, not rich life, but get the true love.There was a man in love with you all, your suffering and joy, tears and smiles, every inch of skin, each place clean or dirty parts.True love is the greatest wealth, is the only true wealth.If you live once, have not had anyone to your true love, this is how regret in life!In front of the person you love, you how to ta to conquer?Small make up use sign to give you a good interpretation of the interpretation.

How to conquer the Sagittarius lover _ the zodiac

SagittariusThe portrait of a carefree and happy child, his optimism can sweep any sorrow in your life.He is generous, with broad, easy, easy for yourself and for your, and he together, you don't have to worry about tomorrow, just to be better than today, tomorrow he will flow to allow you to find a forever life source of enthusiasm, excitement.He is full of passion and vitality, he is a lovely, joy, friends easily.

One, to be very talkative

Sagittarius relationship with personality be bright and clear, don't be too frowsty coquettish, and nature is in front of him, don't care about him, or he will think you are too easy to be attracted would not consider you for a long time.Don't mysterious, if you are caught in the mysterious is Sagittarius will think you very hypocritical, not dealing with you.

Second, wear the dress

Face Sagittarius, you don't have to worry for the dress, also don't need you to expose sexy body, you only need to show Sagittarius a healthy body, a free soul, will never disappear, make your Sagittarius know that you are a free, independent, thoughtful person, don't need someone to take care of, you live very proud and free, you the greatest happiness is looking for ideas, explore the world and create a happy life.

Third, rendezvous

Sagittarius relationship with first date in ethnic restaurants, or Thailand, India, Italy and other foreign restaurant bookstore.When you often date, take him to the relevant collapsed pole, adventure activities such as exploration, rock climbing, because Sagittarius is of great interest to do any things didn't do it, or advised him to date in the distant land.

Four, talking about the topic

With Sagittarius to talk about travel, France, Italy, African culture, Greek philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism and Christianity why different?The shapeGo to schoolWhat is the row?The development of world politics, how to solve the Taiwan issue?Iraq?And he can talk too much, as long as it's not the things of everyday life, talk to you though.

Can you suggest to go with him over the weekendClimbing the mountain, go toHave a classAnd go to a religious party.

Good lover from good friends began to Sagittarius always * * * *, and freedom, Sagittarius don't like being constraint, reasonable in all things.To seduce striker difference too extravagant hopes relationship development is rapid, unless the other party to have a crush on you.Bear the date subject to reality, is not to say some false compliment or entertainment, Sagittarius will be directly show disdain for you.Would you please to Sagittarius daily habits and more understanding.If the person is a person of early to bed, don't called love in the middle of the night to Sagittarius will not effusive.

Seduce stunts: you have to make friends with her, then surprise exhibitionism.

Seduce equipment: a tourist guide.(The zodiac/astro/)

Note: on the behavior, you mustn't play individualism, Sagittarius is your respect.Do you want to encourage the attitude to get along with Sagittarius, don't think every one is love, Sagittarius don't want you to as he (she)The child

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