How to conquer the Gemini lover

One's life is the most important is not fame and fortune, not rich life, but get the true love.There was a man in love with you all, your suffering and joy, tears and smiles, every inch of skin, each place clean or dirty parts.True love is the greatest wealth, is the only true wealth.If you live once, have not had anyone to your true love, this is how regret in life!In front of the person you love, you how to ta to conquer?Small make up use sign to give you a good interpretation of the interpretation.

How to conquer the Gemini lover _ the zodiac

GeminiIs the man who is one of the most civilized in the twelve zodiac signs, is the only (twin) represents the constellation of choose and employ persons.Democracy, equality, friendly, he treat you like a lady.He neither overbearing nor and civilization, polite behavior.Help you to remove the image of the traditional male chauvinism in the brain.Although not the urchin, but he is a real gentleman.Tolerance, not stubborn, he can put a strong self, no matter you are what kind of person, he can use without borders tolerance inclusive you, can let oneself for you.

A, unpredictable

Gemini is the person who can easily feel boring, if you let him feel a unforeseen challenges, let him, let him anxiety for when to see you again, you will catch him.However, he is a man of feeling cool, you need not to provoke his interest, to make his feelings.

Second, wear the dress

In the face of a Gemini, your humor, wisdom, words are more important than you look gorgeous dress, you don't need to have an extremely sexy appearance, as long as you look normal, young.But you do not lack of smart brain and interesting personality.

Third, rendezvous

Gemini is often a city man, he likes the lights of the city's busy, don't and he went to the countryside and mysterious strange places.In the city's most fashionable, the most popular place to date, or to the latest development of exhibition, bookstores, cinemas, restaurants, the concert is a good idea.

Four, talking about the topic

Talk to a Gemini can be anything.You need to have enough information, and constantly changing the subject, from impressionist painting, film, concert to the big event in the world, from the President of the lace news, bribery scandal to the future development of the Olympic Games, to be able to arouse his interest.But, don't involve profound thoughts, mining the darkness of the soul, the shallow he couldn't understand, not only will frighten be defeated and flee.

Turned himself into a kaleidoscope trying to seduce the lover of Gemini, prepare for three mirror, good let oneself become a quite interesting, feel free to offer innovative, such guarantee interest Gemini for you, for you to make love to love you more, seduce you, want to spend a little more patience, blows hot and cold air element of Gemini, you also don't forget to keep to the Gemini slightly heating, cooling and changeful fickle heart by changing, let each other get drunk in the mutation to enjoy the pleasure of to Gemini sentiment forever, give each other a warm action to burn wine, Gemini will crush on this chasing each other love game,

Seduce stunts: Gemini likes to play role playing games with you, you can on the subject of the conversation is bold underground Gemini medicine feel you is exciting and fun, the other is on the hook.

Seduce equipment: send interesting novel romance novel Gemini (The zodiac/astro/)

Note: Gemini with multiple personality, don't be alarmed by the other party repeatedly variety show, you had more than a Gemini gorgeous!

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