And after the first love Leo

First love is eternally, is pure love, pure love.There will be someone for the first love to strive for to the end, people are forced to leave.In fact is not put feelings.Everyone would recall his first love.Not because how handsome beautiful lovers at that time, also is not to say that is not the best, but the love pure without impurities, only know do everything we can to get a heart.But only at the wrong time met the right person, or perhaps they're at the right time meet the wrong people.

And after the first love Leo _ the zodiac

The next love first love after being defeated, if we have the courage to face and accept?Whether can as love for the first time, brave, love pure broken?

LeoStanding under the love first love after being defeated (The zodiac/astro/)

Leo, as it were, all the love and hatred for the failure of the first love.They had the courage and passion, right now is hard hate someone.After love, Leo will be more and more numb, the less active and Kings demeanor.At the moment of Leo slightly weak, even if fall in love with who they are careless.To them, and consequences of love became unable to endure loneliness.

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