Leo's favorite joke big highlights

Today, small make up to tell you a joke, said is we xiao Ming, he tomorrowThe testBut is watching TV in the evening, xiao Ming mother was afraid to ask: have you finished the book?Have an exam tomorrow, xiao Ming is readily answer: mom, I finished watching.Xiao Ming mother will happy praise xiao Ming: good, tomorrow, then you must take an examination of well!Xiao Ming cried said: mom, I said, 'mom, I see, finished'.Everyone's the punchline, understanding is different also, small make up feel very funny, so share with everyone, well, usThe zodiacWhat's favorite joke is?Have a look at ourLeo.

Leo's favorite joke big highlights _ the zodiac

1. A male deer, it walked and walked and walked faster and faster, finally it turned into a highway (deer)!!!!!!!!!!

2. Two tomato cross the street, a car sped by, one of them evade inferior to get squashed and the other a tomato to get squashed tomato "dig ha ha ha, tomato sauce...

3. The Wolf said: "I want to eat you!!!!!!"Do you guess, what's the matter?

As a result of the Wolf ate lamb.

4. The stones and rice cakesA fightA leg, stone rice cake scoredThe sea…………

Once upon a time there was a pair of lovers together for life, but the boys need to military service, and the girl set the oath, gave the girl a diamond ring, and promised to meet with the girls in the three years later, when the time comes, the ring as a wedding ring. Very not easy 3 years later, the girl has been waiting for the boys, has been less than, her broken heart, she threw the diamond into the ocean of despair, migrate. However, the boy in fact has been waiting for the girl, however, the girl misunderstood rendezvous, so he became a forever regret. Boy sad...A few years later, the boy went outfishingAnd guess what he caught?

Rice cake!!!!!!

5. Dumpling is it a boy or a girl

Answer boy because dumplings have foreskin

6. There is a duck called huang, one day he was hit by a car, he let out a cry: "quack!"From then on, he became small cucumber!!

7. Matchstick suddenly feel very itchy, torsion put forth his hand, scratched the scratching the burn yourself...

8. Once upon a time once upon a time there was a bird

He every day through a corn field

But unfortunately

One day the corn fields that a fire broke out

All corn into popcorn

The bird flew past later...

thoughtIt snowsCold, dead...

9. When Taiwan will want unity?(the zodiac/astro /)

Buy instant noodles

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