Taurus inner monologue

Don't understandTaurus, stereotype Taurus people often feel that Taurus has many disadvantages: greedy and stubborn ah, money worship, the old and conservative introversion, reaction very slow...Such as this.In fact, these are the misunderstanding of Taurus, Taurus character are much more complex than these.

Taurus inner monologue _ the zodiac

Taurus man is quiet, but this does not mean no thinking, no ideas.On the contrary, most Taurus are thought and connotation of, but sometimes they disdain of or argue with boring people, their hearts are very despise them za whirring and people with no level.

They don't like very noisy place (although they are not not crazy usually choose are entertaining;Do low key not confident, actually in the mind has a desire to blockbuster, and often they do have this ability.

Superiority and inferiority to the twin sisters in Taurus is particularly obvious.Taurus is very tall to the requirement of people tend to eat, but this does not mean that they are greedy.Do they like delicate and delicious food and not just to eat, shrugged off junk food they are.Because they taste is more sensitive than normal people, so they get to eat as a process is a kind of tastes.The Taurus to things the ability is also very famous.

In addition, the food can also reduce the Taurus often produce restless and inexplicably depressed mood.But the mood is often back in Taurus, the so-called lows.Taurus people have a strong romantic feelings, is also very fierce, but because they are not good at expression, so always give a person a kind of indifference illusion, in fact Taurus people to affection is very serious, also willing to love to go through fire and water, but once hurt, he will recycle all blockade attitude to face the feelings.On the surface he may pretend not care (usually the bulls are doing so) he CARES.

They believe in love, but usually with pessimistic view of the results of love.In the final analysis, the Taurus is absolutely a pessimist.But their behavior is not completely negative, but give a person a kind of positive sense, their fame, money, although look very thoroughly, but still desire to have or strong or weak, that's why people like to earn money but Taurus never worship money, they are disdain to the slave of money.They are indifferent to fame and wealth but not born.If necessary they will desperate upwards.

But the motivation and purpose with the other pure from the desire of people is very different, they absolutely have reason to have to do, to do so.They will not be limited to the pursuit of material things, they focus on more spiritual things, so people is often the material of the spirit of Taurus.

Taurus is in some ways has the understanding, or math, or philosophy, more music and arts.In these areas, they can be a genius.Although they surface temperature moderate swallow, but the act offence as a Gemini, and normal at guessing their appearance deadpan think twice about what's going on, they don't like to talk with people stick NiNiWaiWai, distance is their philosophy, although this is not apathy.Therefore, those who fall in love with Taurus excruciating one thing.(The zodiac/astro/)

They know how to is good, but also know how to evil.In short, the Taurus is very attractive.Especially after deep contact with him, their extensive knowledge and humorous talk and personality style makes people appreciate.Of course appearance also emits a unique temperament, is usually not being abnormal dislike is deeply attracted.

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