Aquarius family values

Aquarius:The family values

The unqualified householder:

According to his view, the wife of the standard is: love you, I would like to, the real performance of the obligations, more informal, Aquarius is also very dissatisfied for idlers.

Home is a shelter in silence:

Family is their own, but sometimes because focus too much on friends and ignores the family, but lost time always want to hide in the bosom of his family, a typical baiwenhang.

Aquarius family _ the zodiac

Aquarius people love consciousness is weak, sometimes thought are rebellious, indifference to family, not close enough.But in their family and its really important one in my heart.

Fear of marriage:

Aquarius people treat marriage is serious, if possible, they generally avoid this problem.Even Aquarius people summon up courage to say "I love you", but will still try to find some excuses to avoid from the book marriage problems.

Sometimes when he faced the marriage for love freedom, Aquarius people will have a period of a fear of marriage, wait for the other half left to regret.

No sense of security:

He is like a hedgehog, erect themselves at any time, but he won't hurt, he's just used to arm themselves.For his family is also a proud, he didn't dare to love too much, afraid after enjoy the love, the rest is just double pain.

Insecure them, it is so with my family is not very close.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius people a little extreme, may because itself is not a sense of security, sometimes do things that let a person impulse.

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