Aquarius love blind Angle

Aquarius:: there is no security

The bottle filled with too many different ideas, is a let a person want to find out signs of the zodiac, seemingly because their life is very simple and direct, but really want to come near, will find so many can't suddenly understand questions.Should say, love is never an Aquarius life, likes to have their own more personal space, so the total some tepid, let the other side really didn't have a sense of security, so love corner actually very threats, both seem very free, but freedom is indulgence, will make love temperature declining, even in the cold.

Aquarius love blind Angle _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius: although the reason, but a relationship is very warm like a fire, and will become extraordinary enthusiasm.And Aquarius will enjoy it in love love each other, so once the enthusiasm become cold and cheerless, too used to each other while losing enthusiasm, Aquarius will think of the past, feel the abuse of the heart.

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