When Saturn in Sagittarius

When Saturn fall inSagittarius

This position, don't tend to succeed easily, is not a negative for your success, but it will be delayed, after the disappointment and pain, to get results.

Maybe this is a disaster, it teaches you to know the philosophy and wisdom, make you in the future contribute valuable achievements, but also let you know about human nature, compassion and sympathy for others.

You are an idealist, but on the one hand you have dreams and can target a certain goal, make a real commitment.

When Saturn in Sagittarius _ the zodiac

If Saturn phase is good, this is a suitable for when the priests, lawyers, scientists, philosophers, writers, politicians, and answer any knowledge about foreign affairs and the best place.

The position of Saturn, in terms of political figures, as a political ideal and a high risk of death, such as Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and American black leader Martin Luther King, these characters in Sagittarius Saturn, make them have integrity in public life and outstanding personality, very has the sense of responsibility.You are frugal nature, when you are together with others and vigorous, you have not money for themselves.

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