When Saturn in Gemini

When Saturn fall inGemini

Because mercury rules Gemini, and Saturn is just located in Gemini, because Saturn represents the elderly, mercury is generally young people, so, the influence of Saturn is considered for mercury best this coordination can say just right, is the wisdom of the world with young people the commissure of wit.

With this kind of Saturn's position in general will experience a sad childhood, if not received by friends and relatives in a painful experience, moreover is this kind of person is likely to be difficult to accept education, even in some cases, they will be forced to live a life of exile type.

When Saturn in Gemini _ the zodiac

If Saturn phase well, great patience and literature thought and effort is must be included, your understanding is very deep and get understanding, and intelligence is very high.

If you have good Saturn phase, you will has a keen eye on the economy, although you may not always wise.(The zodiac /astro/)

Saturn is a Gemini tend to be negative chest and lungs in the body, if Saturn phase adverse, air travel is potentially dangerous.

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