Netizens incisive comments on the sense of virgo

Hesitated for a long time, finally began to writevirgo

To describe this sign need to bear a lot of psychological pressure, is not to say that don't understand it, just because of a vision than Pisces virgo is poor, so a little bit presumptuous.

Contact and understand virgo begins with the first half of this year, flowing into the vision of virgo, let me more and find this sign something.

Jingle and bing is my most familiar two virgo, is very typical, our dormitory have a virgin, I've always thought is Sagittarius, I don't know is my failure or his failure, ha ha.

Netizens incisive comments on the sense of virgo _ the zodiac

Based on the virgo is my perfect match, I will reveal it all defects.

: d in earth sign virgo is a special one, but also have the earth element of commonality, gentle personality, steadfast, sedate.

Is there anything to virgo is at ease place to be ignored.

The earth element such as Taurus, Capricorn is always can let a person feel a little bit lack of spirituality.

The basic look not to come out in virgo, their comprehension ability is very strong, can always feel what you are saying.

And always see the most subtle ideas, rather than the feeling of Pisces makes them is real powers of observation.

The zodiacI admire most in this constellation of thinking.

Analysis and judgment ability strong, this is Scorpio striker can't than, these two signs are always can't distinguish right from wrong.

Thinking and ideas together, virgo to every thing has its own set of views, and to the point, really, deep, in general they say are worth listening to.

Say thus, seems to be a very perfect constellation, actually otherwise.

Virgo has been the perfect, this is their biggest weakness.

When a person is put yourself in a perfect position, so the man must be very sad.

Because virgo to have such high demand, caused a lot of their own defects.

First like to complain, and are not satisfied with a little things, he will say, even if not to talk about, also can have a knot in one's heart.

Critical eye and put don't open mind let them about a lot of things around them are not satisfied.

Happy people enjoy often, so often insatiable virgo in unhappy, if they live a gloomy life, too.

I remember liangzi said a word: virgo people are pretty bad.

That is really about.

But also good, virgo girls around me more or less to balance, so have a fairly comfortable, such as lyy, ha ha.

Such character doomed they met some trouble in the relationship and the people, a dispute or tension is very normal.

Because they want the same thing to people is very high.

Though virgo is great, but a lack of confidence, is always worry she can't do well, bing is a typical in this respect, let her worry about many things, but little things to worry.

Don't look down upon their own strength, confident will make life very optimistic.

I always thought that virgo is very fragile, do not good can let the mood to a trough.

Actually don't have much stress in our life, but virgo give yourself too much pressure, even a little not perfect will make you unhappy, but not perfect thing in the world is too much, it is no wonder that the earth virgo is also a kind of sentimental.

I seemed to give a virgo friends said many times: relax. In many cases, they all need the word, because virgo will often get nervous.

Ha ha, if virgo is a little water bottles or Pisces detachment, they become invulnerable.

It's a pity that now there are still many defects of character.

The reality.

This constellation is very realistic, it is hard to moved by sweet talk, also won't be pulled to tears a film a story.

They know how your life is, won't have too much fantasy, don't know this is sad or happy.

I didn't know virgo think twice about what's going on in the heart, or nothing at all.

What is too deep or too shrewd pure?This is not clear, will not be evaluation.

After all, this is a pure constellation.

Yes, a lot of people say virgo have cleanliness, the idea that I had been dismissed, they are just more love clean, is a good habit, don't like I can pick up a piece of meat fell underground.

Their ability to arrange things really is very strong, can look to a material with sundry tidy up into a small box, let a person admire.

This was related and they close thinking.

Write so much about personality is, by its own feel no sense, ha ha, virgo does not have many people on the BBS, and willing to share their thoughts of less, so can only write as much as they see it.

Hope not too many mistakes.

I also mentioned to make friends with a virgo, because their fussy, so just started to get along will be difficult.

After a long time, you will find they are very good, reliable and trustworthy.

But if you want to do bosom, very difficult.

So and virgo very few close friends, see they are always a person DongLaiXiQu will think they are lonely, in fact they really want to have a bunch of close friends, this is also a virgo.

Love is more difficult for virgo and Pisces cancer of ultra-high frequency in virgo love almost impossible to get any performance.

Their reality, implicative, not easy to be moved, rely on their own thoughts.

Become a bosom friend is hard to, let alone in love.

, of course, also can have many advantages, and their life reality profound concept of doing things, handle affairs ability, excellent talents, no matter what is worth a lifetime of people, ha ha.

Ok, call it a day today.

In fact, not many people can fully meet the constellation.(the zodiac/astro /)

Comparing water and fire, wind and earth's character is not necessarily exactly the same as that of a constellation, but I always want to know more about the people around constellation, this may be a bad habit, but it's like.

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