Netizens incisive comments on the sense of Scorpio

Understand a man is a very difficult process.

I told a lot of people this process needs to pay a very heavy price, or even a moth, but it is better than flying moth, it can only go to hell, you may be able to go to heaven.

Who actually, however, we are not willing to see a person's all, it is good than you don't want to have personal all naked in front of your face all day long, always need to wear clothes as well.

Netizens incisive comments on the sense of Scorpio _ the zodiac

So the understanding of a person or moderation as well, especiallyScorpio

With is a water, if understanding cancer like drink red wine, is the way;So know Scorpio is like marijuana, couldn't imagine after drawn can also how much perseverance.

With is the perfect fit Pisces, descriptions of Scorpio is more difficult than cancer.

Scorpio is a special one in the water phase, although they have the characteristics of the water phase - sensitive, delicate, rich imagination, but there is more beyond the water phase character.

Many Scorpio is more important is split into two or more, very pretty and her boyfriend xuefeng is two different Scorpio, the latter reason, gentle, have the tolerance and patience;The former impulse, disdain, pessimistic about life but an approximate crazy passion;Still have a kind of type is rascal CAI frowsty coquettish Scorpio, silent but with indifference and sly, without wanting to get too more I know Scorpio, all day live a happy life without sorrow.

In fact different also is only a mask, I don't want to separate, I put in my eye the most typical Scorpio in front of everyone, whether it is right or wrong.

Scorpio and other two water phase indecisive biggest different constellation is his determination and strong subjective consciousness.

As long as they think or need to do is right, will not hesitate to perform your own idea, rarely consider the opinions of others.

This emotional dictatorial often so that they can experience the others did not experience.

Which sign yesterday asked the bravest, actually want to answer the Scorpio, they fine long hair is no fear in front of difficulties, as long as you think you should go to do, will be desperate.

So Scorpio's a lot of things will make people stare big eyes couldn't believe it.

Scorpion is totally different Yu Tianping to own life request, scales like to escape, and Scorpio likes challenges, they didn't want to taste a variety of experience, on the lack of challenge the enjoyment of life will soon tired of, to pursue other goals more appeal to force.

Always think scorpios would like to put himself in danger, they will be willing to accept a no future feelings, as long as each other their own love.

Energy is a peculiarity of this sign, for their own career and life is full of enthusiasm, don't waste time on the bed.

Whether it is work or play, they are very hard, batty.

Perhaps they did to others is in hardship, but for their own hard work is a pleasure, and the pursuit of the.

Always admire netape to a bit of hope in the train traveling on ship the whole a week, and finally got good results.

A and the characteristics of the lion like self-esteem is very strong.

Scorpio can't stand being ignored, whether in life or on the Internet, they are wishing to oneself is the focus of attention, hope to be admitted.

In fact most of Scorpio will unwilling lonely, has made the very good grades.

So as a competitor, Scorpio is very terrible, naturally desire, persistent belief and filling levon energies will let their competitiveness is very strong.

Scorpio impulse, often emotional.

Already mentioned this in front of us.

Is because of this, plus they are competitive, so they often produce conflict with people.

Emotional person because lost calm, and lack the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Is originally good sentence is a scorpion as is common with ulterior motives, the balance of this time if it is free and easy or Pisces will be peaceful, if you are stubborn lion or Capricorn is likely to cause a dispute.

To be honest, Scorpio's emotional hurt a lot of friends.

I offer a Scorpio misunderstanding can often be in the same class, and tenacious Scorpio it's hard to admit your mistakes.

Associate with Scorpio really hard, and sometimes they are really go the.

In any case, a Scorpio is the most real signs of the zodiac.

Maybe they will hide yourself up, show their inner, but as long as it must be the most real side.

The most impetuous people and also the most real people, the most calm is probably the most hypocritical, I found myself a bit towards the latter: d.

Truly, truly, Scorpio's very let people like, they say, can do things never push to take off.

Their sincere heartfelt, also want other people to oneself also sincere, hate the kind of guy false not enough meaning.

Scorpio is a feature of big aizeng clear.

Their personality is inherently more extreme, so too extreme for things to people.

Love is to hate, hate don't like, not to destroy.

And they are very terrible enemy, might make unimaginable retaliation.

More headaches is want to and they hate thawing period is really difficult to such that day, even if the knees are not necessarily can he influenced the mind's eye the scorpion.

Practice, a typical Scorpio so, fortunately, in recent years were the child division of variant is more, so a lot of Scorpio is not the case, a lot of scorpions temperament is very gentle to people is also very tolerant.

Scorpions also differs from that of cancer and Pisces, when they do one thing very attentively, don't like the two thoughts all day.

Along with their understanding is very high, faith, persistence, and so is easier to achieve.

On the analysis of the scorpion character let's call it a day.

My whole body sweat, ha ha, actually describe Scorpio is very interesting, because of their personality extreme feeling letting a person feel excited.

Who can deny that the scorpion is the friend, they did very well to a friend, loyal, and considerate.

Of course it just friends.

As a Scorpio's friend, never can betrayal, they care about the friendship, once a friend betrays his own, can let he hated, be enemies.

Scorpio those destined to their love life deeply.

Once have said Scorpio feel interested in yourself, will be desperate to pursue.

Scorpio and Pisces for the fate of different emotions, like chasing actively, is the spirit of a moth, even if injured also not care.

For the sake of their loved ones, can still give everything prepared.

Scorpion rarely discard, also won't empathy don't love, but because of scorpios impulse, and their interaction will often quarrel because of some little things, don't move temper, even break up, things like this everywhere.

Because acquisitiveness is very strong, Scorpio should also is the strongest sign of jealousy, super jealous ability.

Do day Scorpio lover can't glance left and right, once you feel cheated, their revenge is very terrible.(The zodiac /astro/)

So must have enough ability to associate with Scorpio, ha ha.

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