Netizens penetrating his sense of Aries

I know I never qualification evaluation of this constellation.AriesLet me eat bitter too much, perhaps a lifetime all can't use an objective look at them.

Know despite losing too much, one of my best sister is April 1, one of the best brother is April 6th, and I do together contest the best partners, the girlfriend of a year ago, and now her boyfriend, in the understanding of the BBS cutegirl, howen, lpaw kaoro...It's hard to imagine that the constellation give my character and the huge impact of life, including the fastest and most painful memories.

Netizens incisive workshop of the sense of Aries _ the zodiac

Objective evaluation about the Aries.Because is the beginning of spring, this sign also has all the hallmarks of the spring.Energetic, like a child looking at life, impulsive, let his own personality, heart will never be at home.

Around me ram is in accordance with these characteristics, but I want to say some things you ignore:

Ram is very smart, but are trickier, lack of wisdom;

Ram for own heart is very strong, so can't allow others to control myself;

Ram easy angry, lost his temper, but little sad;

Is little sad, because they only include yourself, a selfish person, of course, is little sad for someone else.

The heart of the ram, but unfortunately, subtleties of all sorts of things it is difficult to grasp;

But that is because they seldom think about the details, so the idea is simple, life is happy, can quickly forget yesterday's troubles;

Ram isThe zodiacOne of the most simple, but simple doesn't mean pure, simple and lack of their own thoughts, so ram in later life unavoidably become secular infection.

And everyone knows that, despite the famous man.But rather thanLeoThe great man's doctrine, ram belongs to the little man's doctrine, some petty in the great man's character.

To make friends with Aries is very good, don't bother, no feelings intrigue, simple is good.So despite my friends a lot, but because of this constellation seldom thought, so I want to be a bosom friend is difficult.Ram has a big advantage is understood to listen, maybe she doesn't understand what you are saying, but understand you're talking, and talked about some household chores, this friend is very good.

I wouldn't recommend ram to like the Internet chat friend.Chatting on the Internet are mostly unbosom, said can't say the idea of some usual.Aries will become silent at this time, it's hard to say out any decent thing, so you need to continue to find topic, very tired heart.

And Aries love affairs, and is very simple, very not easy.Ram and ram, lions and ram is good matching.But I absolutely do not recommend like rely on someone else's water element, and ram to fall in love, the reason is simple: ram like free control of your life, and the water phase is like making love.

In fact Aries or easily tempted. After all, is the beginning of spring, vigor and vitality.But your feelings will be like with the Windows operating system, can only on the surface, want to further, it is difficult to.Because ram do not know the responsibility, they're like a groupThe child, put every play games will make them very happy, let her sad sad, may be will present building blocks all down.(the zodiac/astro /)

For Aries says more.In fact many people may not fully comply with such character, such as howen lpaw, cutegirl etc. More or less have some discrepancy, but the real ram.I feel only to the end.

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