Taurus female recruit the peach blossom spring outing is dressed up

Taurus female recruit the peach blossom spring outing is dressed up

Taurus: fresh, ladies can highlight the temperament of your jewel hidden.

The concept of "girl" is popular in recent years, though as the dress style, it has to do with the sister of all kinds of character can be a good match, easy to follow, but, after all, only the Taurus woman so the temperament of the lining's female style of clothes.Garment as people, low-key yet gentle earth color, soft and close-fitting cotton and linen fabrics, can foil a Taurus female character well one of the most attractive characteristics.When dressed in sen ladies Taurus woman smile, believe most person can feel like spring breeze stroke of pure and fresh.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus female spring outing peach dress up _ the zodiac

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