Belong to the Taurus love flavor


Taurus personality in some erratic melancholy, it hides behind the strong stubborn, only when they feel a sense of security, will show it.

The sign of the Taurus is a very stable, mild, will step by step according to their own ideas, any outside force will not disturb their rule.

_ the zodiac belongs to Taurus love taste

(The zodiac /astro/)

And Taurus love exclusive taste, tepid, have coffee taste very much, don't fall in love at first sight to like a person, just like coffee first impression to the person, only slowly taste, can taste out its aroma, it's just the love will come in time, getting used to, then I will deeply love, reflects the warmth in the plain.

Belong to the Taurus love flavor related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query