Taurus girl character appearance characteristics

Taurus woman's body and soul must be on the same road, or travel long distances, or short trips, personality is half closed.Them in addition to their own feelings story what can kan, up to the universe, how much a kilo to Chinese cabbage, so they open, don't want to be tied by like a rush of buffalo, but behavior is rational, what is a black and white.Stubbornness and temper are hidden, not grasp crazy up QiBaJiuGe man, ha ha, a bit exaggerated.But they also surface fine heart turn sent, keep calm exterior, but closed dozen dog home.Taurus woman self-esteem is very strong, but he spoke very direct very hurtful, someone asked her I fat not fat, she always answer: fat as hell, don't lose weight, can harm the human!Really hurt.

Taurus girl character appearance characteristics of _ the zodiac

Taurus woman good at hiding exquisite feelings, even if the injury is not a drop of tears.Their life concept is to separate occasions, small to know when to doA woman, when to take a stand, such a woman make a man very at ease.

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