Leo girl and what is the most worthy

  LeoGirls VS.SagittariusThe boy is the most worthy

LeoA womanA bit arrogant, vain, vain, but Leo's girl is very persistent and dedicated to the sentiment, Leo girl this kind of independent personality, exactly the Sagittarius men, Sagittarius men don't like women too clinging, too mixed in the footsteps of yourself forward.So this lion and Sagittarius can hit it off, and Leo girl will not stick the striker, but have the ability to make your Sagittarius boys settle down.

Leo girl and what the best _ the zodiac

  Leo girl and what is the most worthy

Constellation Leo girl is the most worthy - love

Male striker is a big child, unrestrained female lion is a soft outside just inside the small woman, when older children into little woman but can also produce a erroneously, tilt is a wonderful marriage;Female lion although the desire to be loved, but more hope to make her proud partner, let her feel the lion high above the scenery, and the striker happens to have the ability of the people;Men with lions. Pentium wild animal sign, so it is not hard to see the two get along will play like two madThe child, the environment around things easily check each other's warm, two people immersed in the infinite happiness, enjoy a lively performance exaggerated romantic comedies.You two are easy to resonate with the feeling of resonance, the heat of the first meeting will you suddenly rises to a peak, is love at first sight, a combination of health and cheerful.

The constellation Leo girl is the most worthy - business

Leo girl wandering in the real world and the ideal world more easily, so not to give myself too much idle time, busy can make you feel the reality.So often on work tirelessly, diligent, but the complex of the society, strong curiosity, like not too dangerous adventures, andTaurusThe sign of the girl is a great much more special, will bring pure female lions career of great help.

Constellation Leo girl is the most worthy - friendship

Leo women treat each other kind gentle, strong, so it is very popular in the double children in real life.The Leo woman rich imagination, is a typical romantic.Enthusiastic, but it's hard to say it advantages, has a strong personality, but the lack of a firm position in some cases.Friends are many, but can be good friends much, thoughAriesGirl is definitely a, they have a common interest, is absolutely a pair of good friend.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Was born of a couple, or how to see all the incomparable couple.

Because you are a heart person is the life, not willing to stay in a level, even if the inner thoughts is different, but the pace is consistent, can be together for a long time.Although Gemini changeable, but in the face of the Leo swagger, naturally will convergence, Leo girl can also use a optimistic heart to tolerance that a fickle Gemini greedy fresh features, knowing that their nature so, than to put up a deliberately.

In terms of sex, changeable desire of Gemini sometimes make Leo very confused, whether I have a problem?In fact as long as you take your love with all my heart, can crack this fake Gemini cold feeling.

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