Scorpio boy and what is the most worthy

  ScorpioThe boys andPiscesThe girl is the most worthy

Scorpio man there is a kind of perseverance, all things are not able to Scorpio boy beat, so this kind of character will be able to give Pisces the girl a sense of security, let Pisces have a kind of dependent on feeling, so Scorpio boy also like to protect this tenderA womanA strong girl, don't like too much.Scorpio hunch your fish, who also cannot leave the who.

Scorpio boy and what is the most worthy

  Scorpio boy and what is the most worthy

Scorpio man's best match - the first of the constellation: Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces are matched

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

The best partner, very lovers!!!!!

Scorpio and Pisces can be regarded as the best of all the constellations supplement pair, because everyone is a water sign, the same feelings, but a strong weak, as soon as a soft, full accord, fully display the highest romance.Your emotional ups and downs, dramatic also makes your love life is full of dramatic, your love is like fireworks, bright and charming.Scorpio in the love's status as a bully, with Pisces that a gentle is virtuous, dare not resist, content to my fate, it is almost a match made in heaven.In the aspect of family organization, Scorpio is head of the family, family is everything, all controlled by him, to unrealistic Pisces, someone to manage his life rhythm and financial, is welcome

Scorpio man's best match - the second of the constellation: Capricorn

Scorpio and Capricorn are matched

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Should be able to reach a tacit understanding, everybody is introverted negative sign, everything will only, for the feelings of good calm and stubborn, once the decision to start a relationship, how will continue.But the competitive spirit, if the control is not appropriate, problems arise among them, everyone will run out to continue, you then have to ignore you like it or not, often because of unwilling and become a pair of alive.

The initial time, Scorpio will be attracted by heavy fact that Capricorn personality, and you will feel that Scorpio is a care of yourself, don't need to worry about, so can together.But get along with bottom go to, both of them don't make any noise, very dull, lack of communication, and Capricorn excessive work attitude, make Scorpio feel he doesn't put his heart, so, out came the jealousy is demanding to slowly each other, who know Capricorn are not affected by this one.

Scorpio man the most worthy of constellation - 3:Aquarius:

Scorpio: Aquarius matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Good a pair of trouble, and basically everyone is not the same guy, you just for one reason: the greedy fresh Aquarius accident attracted by deep feeling Scorpio charm, a see to flash their lightning, but there are only two results: Scorpio is Aquarius bear emotions and dominating personality, not a word to the left and the other is Scorpio can't stand the Aquarius the strange behavior of not ordinary people can accept, no way to control him and dim and retire.Aquarius feel doesn't belong to anyone, only belong to his own, but Scorpio is Scorpio he belongs only to a person, you say so?!

For the concept of family is different, is not so practical Scorpio Aquarius, just want to have, at any cost, for Scorpio is always very confusing.Therefore, two people will be in terms of food and clothing live line to go wrong.

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