Pisces girls heart male god

PiscesThe girl in the heart of man and god

The main types: handsome cellini prince

On behalf of the star: hyun-joong

Pisces girl regardless of age, has been in a state of "I am 18 years old little girl", after their basic attitude in life is met a handsome boy, flashing eyes, his hands chin, cheeks reddening, and whispered screams, good handsome good handsome.

So, their definition of male god only is - handsome, if coupled with the prince's temperament, that is more perfect.

Because the pattern man inside of thick hyun-joong senior and was an instant hit, is undoubtedly the most famous of these.Cure is a warm smile, likeThe childWalking the same show MOE shy child, "sculpture" fabulous body, let people see the sadness of heart, will no doubt attract Pisces girls were screams.(The zodiac /astro/)

Pisces girls heart male god _ the zodiac

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