Aries girl in the heart of male god

AriesThe girl in the heart of man and god

The main types: type brother next door

On behalf of the star: li yi feng

Aries girl nerve article big, not like a normal schoolgirl sensitive to death, they are neither mature woman a desire for a sexy man, and no innocent young girl the senseless fantasy for prince charming.They look forward to the most, but is in a beautiful like flower age meet a good man, and a young hazy campus love.

As li yi feng that "school hunk" type of boy in Aries girl in mind for a young beautiful the pursuit of love.Smile like the sunshine, slender figure, still have the same voice of the angel, Aries girl saw the boy, will definitely think of youth beautiful campus.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aries girl in the heart of male god _ the zodiac

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