Pisces girl flower heart

Pisces girl flower heart? _ the zodiac

PiscesThe girl of flower heart

If your partner is a fish, remember when his father, he is too lazy to flower heart, but when someone came to seduce, swimming he would wag of the tail.Dream of love always, don't know how to cherish around you.

Pisces female fantasies about the future is very good, they look forward to the fantastic world, the pursuit of unrealistic ideals, emotional, dependence is strong.When she felt that her boyfriend too true, they will falling in, and can't get is always the best.Without that kind of fantasy, love will choose transformation, to pursue the dream of love to satisfy her curiosity.

On behalf of the argument: the first person, Pisces men and women are the same.Did not have feelings, love is not can't?Don't have any sense of responsibility!Eight direction at any time ready for fish swam into the distance.Then use that pathetic, worthless tears, he had to cry on.A good actor!(The zodiac /astro/)

Opening is used to describe a Pisces: the overall image of the old human is great because of dream, because Pisces have a dream to survive, "feel" for the love of the Pisces is crucial, if the dream of life as a Pisces woman face you don't have dream, she can abandon you, to look for can arouse her dream of others, the result of Pisces female eye catching all likely to be that person;Plus a Pisces woman emotional, imagination is rich, she may at any time for someone who is up to her eye to produce a series of vision, the breeding ground for a love like a "dream", a Pisces woman ready to put the dream is like the artistic conception of poetic world, their inner containing the immensely powerful potential "flower", because they are flower heart, because of the dream must handle affairs according to the spirit of their own will.This is your personality in love, their love should be, must have a good dream, absolutely not originally should be a romantic love doesn't make any sense.

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