Sagittarius girls flower heart

Sagittarius girls flower heart? _ the zodiac

SagittariusThe girl of flower heart

Love and friendship often points not clear, just hit it off love and family, to the person's attitude is always better than a friend, a little less than lover, until finally hurt the others, only to find that, oh, the original or a friend.

Striker female character decide they love freedom, they love fast, hate fast.She likes the world of love freedom and lovers unfettered, when love is, will be decisive choice to give up, the pursuit of free love more sacred.Is bold and unrestrained fields to their inner cry, enough to love as they ran.But the reality, too difficult to meet their ideal state, in fact, love, is an invisible cage, bound with two men.

Sagittarius is everyone's pistachios, because they are warm and cheerful, speaks quips such as beads, often some proposal or move surprised everyone, let everyone very happy, can get the welcome of a lot of people!(The zodiac /astro/)

Arguably markswoman everyone find flowers, actually markswoman one person at a time is very single-minded, even if she still flirting with the opposite sex, but before this extremely extensive contact with the opposite sex is their life fun.Keep their heart way is to give them freedom, but you still have to bear to share with others.

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