Aquarius: how to explain their virginity

Aquarius:How to explain their virginity

Aquarius: no explanation, hide in the past

"This kind of question to explain?Kidding, then how to explain is pale drops ".To be very realistic, Aquarius is very bright on the cover, and so they don't try to explain, don't even try to try, just to give up the idea.

They will choose a few methods of stamping, erase everything around oneself once had the record of a relationship, their relatives and friends, of course, is to fully cooperate with them, as for the body tag, high-tech can wipe go, more simple.

Aquarius: how to explain his first _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius, it seems, all lie and cheat in the world is the simple things, just see they want to do.The wisdom of Aquarius and rigorous enough to completely grasp the key link in the process of all the things will not be found will not out of mischief.

Aquarius: how to explain his first relevant content

The duke of zhou interprets of query