Remember the ideal of Aquarius and broken

remembranceAquarius:Broken ideal

Aquarius: this literature youth, have ideal to travel around the world, this ideal needs a rich material foundation, in Aquarius personality also need a little courage and a little bit careful.But the real Aquarius is big and the small and the people, so...

Aquarius to travel around the world dream shattered, but Aquarius is able to some of your favorite city and they like the ease of life, a lot of Aquarius are like the small town living without too much pressure, here, after all, ease of freedom.

Occasionally think of around the world this dream, Aquarius will instantly feel floating, but think of oneself actually now too well, Aquarius relents, because a lot of things, it doesn't really bother Aquarius for a long time.

(The zodiac /astro/)

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