Aquarius girl angry

Aquarius:The performance of the girl angry

Aquarius girl angry: go to sleep

Aquarius girl actually very have a superiority complex, was born with a kind I IQ eq is jilt you eight street, makes her angry, the other aspects must be a really good Lord.

But even if the other party to excellent, Aquarius woman also won't admit.Her heart can have a feeling of tightness in the more uncomfortable, how can someone smarter than I want, more than I can see through the heart?This kind of condition, nature is not a good attack, the attack, no lofty appearance.For temporary solution, Aquarius woman will choose to ignore it.

That nature is the best choice to go to bed, and then a big gas mei-mei sleep up to also have no, and, after sleep, head is also better to use, it's easy to beat each other.(The zodiac /astro/)

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