Aquarius is suitable for the crystal

Aquarius:Suitable for the crystal

Aquarius lucky crystal, opal, green ghost, tourmaline, black obsidian, the eye stone, yellow tights.

Opal: genius constellation, genius type crystal, opal is can make the bottle's creativity play acme.

Green ghost: heart circulatory problems easy out water bottles, green ghost is needed to strengthen the heart.

Tourmaline: desire is also called the stone, there is great power can help desire, also can improve interpersonal relationship.Red and green tourmaline also accumulate the rich for career development.Helps the circulation of the blood joint fault is a kind of health of the SPAR.To eliminate negative energy can be absorbed, enhance human vitality, physical strength, and vitality of the whole, is a symbol of longevity and health gems.

Aquarius is suitable for the crystal _ the zodiac

Black obsidian: because the water bottle attaches great importance to the mental level of ascension, and amethyst and black obsidian can help water bottles.

Stone: the inner eye is considered to the stone of heaven eye stone, the most unfavorable Aquarius into a career in business.The aid of Aquarius is the most easy to get the stone eye, often make the Aquarius the original transfer and to realize the perception of the value, so that they get approval in the workplace and the aggressive push of my career.Natural eye stone also Aquarius unique wealth planning tend to be more rational, and we are always all of a sudden they grab to the realization of the accident.

Garnet: Aquarius innovation, stubborn, changeable, rebellion is unpredictable.Actually they are very contradiction of the kind of people, not only was to see them, even they feel their own contradictions.Garnet can make water bottles with irresistible charm, increase self-confidence, ambivalence, bring happiness and eternal love, to calm joy.And garnet in the circulation of the blood and hormones have a certain stimulative effect, good reproductive system and the health of the relevant organ and metabolism.

Yellow tights eyes: Aquarius like fresh stimulus, better friends than family forever.Actually, home is the most solid foundation.Yellow tights's eye can make bottle convey to enthusiastic friends eager to family, both friends and family.Takes for qi and blood, timid and afraid to face the reality, can enhance the vitality and vigor of the body, enhance self-confidence, dare to accept the difficulties and challenges;To meet with difficulties, difficult to holdouts, help to review the situation, make clear, decisive judgment and action.The golden yellow tights's eye is a symbol of wealth, helps to bring unexpected wealth or partial goods.

Aquarius love:Thought very progress, have the foresight to disregard generally secular vision, to the love.

Aquarius push some crystal:Amethyst, opal and lapis lazuli will make in Aquarius emotional desire to achieve.

Guard Aquarius crystal stone:Piece, ruby, crystal powder;

Aquarius is suitable for the crystal to help: (The zodiac /astro/)

Basic help carry things: gold and development;

Love help carry things: amethyst;

, money to help transport: gold and development;

Health help carry things: black agate;

Human use help content: powder;

Business help carry things: fluorite;

Family use help content: powder;

Help ship the content in the study: red and green treasure;

Aquarius is suitable for the crystal related content

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