Striker female ideal love

12 stars female ideal love, the striker

The ideal love: type brinkmanship

Romantic scene: travel around the world

Cardiac index: u u u u

SagittariusGirls love freedom, nature is not willing to be bound by any a relationship.They like ambiguity, don't make any promise to each other.Neither is willing to be for a fixed work limit their creativity, also don't want toTo get marriedAfter when housewife, constrained by a certain relationship, they would only the pursuit of goals, in pursuit of tired, side can have a person to comfort yourself, talk to yourself.

For Sagittarius girls, therefore, can never been dead to tie up lousy dozen, should try to do their spiritual partner, to appear only when they need, will make them more secure brinkmanship, think oneself is independent, also makes them more fresh to the man.(The zodiac /astro/)

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