Capricorn female ideal love

12 stars female ideal love, Capricorn

The ideal love: slow type

Romantic scene: cooking together

Cardiac index: u u u u u

Capricorn girl was one of those special sensible, especially work hard, are dedicated hostess potential and hardworking girl.Their ideal of love, not a weathered snow on romantic, also is not each other torture of sm, and insteadcancerGirl, is to have a lifetime of happiness.

Only this girl is good at all aspects from express their love for a partner, is also very good at observing whether others like themselves.But Capricorn girl to be more reticent, have a crush on someone, will only silently pays, for people who do not cold, it is hard to reach out to them.

Say so, wanted to pursue Capricorn girl, can only take long to make them gradually used to your love.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn female ideal love _ the zodiac

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