Slamdunk in Sagittarius - qing Tian Xin long

Slamdunk inSagittarius- long qing Tian Xin

Said the striker, is active, my first impression of the feeling is still active, they are happy, fun, and a bit wonky, unlike temperLeoAs natural and graceful, but also not as clear as ram, leap to jump in but forthright and sincere, ha ha, I can't help thinking of that qing Tian Xin sorrow into the trash after foot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sagittarius people, in general have a pair of frogs developed thighs, so they are active!The five senses?Most sagittarians have full forehead, this is a big advantage, they don't know no attention, qing tian Russia out of his forehead, and always very handsome!Vivid, and eye contact is also badly want to see bad smile, it is best to observe the Sagittarius person, really interesting, and at the same time, most of them have a mouth shape, such as water chestnut, like the corners of the mouth of clear field, beautiful and clear.

Qing Tian Xin long although so-called wild monkeys, very noisy, but natural very forthright, he never understand smooth, also don't know the secret, and is moving in the right place to almost everything, so can brave to face all the challenges.Ah, so, a striker a ram hit, we just look at him and cherry wood increase drama.

Slamdunk in Sagittarius - qing long Tian Xin _ the zodiac

Sagittarius a feature is the character straight, don't beat around the bush, saying offensive point is to speak without the brain, can't lie can't tactfully express your meaning, so, although sometimes annoying, but it can give a person the good impression, the honest concusses and hainan xiangbei qing tian before world war I the great, he is showing off, he is noisy, but he is magnanimous, and later was hilarious.

Sagittarius people are generally very will spend money, very will buy a lot of fun things, among other things, but look to see tian long hair that can know, this guy is definitely a male, (relative to the female), know much about fashion than cherry wood, and to all sorts of fun things also many, certainly more than sendoh know well, can't, this is characteristic of him.(The zodiac /astro/)

Qing long Tian Xin because straight, so is his style, and immediately think of what to do, very motivated, although sometimes to take off the line, but it has, though, but it can seize the favorable opportunity, of course, as a freshman, hainan him or loopholes, his sense of responsibility remains to be strengthened, but with the Sagittarius super power and broaden horizons, and cheerful personality, he is have every reason to rushes out a piece of the sky.

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