The gentlemen and a Scorpio - priest slamdunk

Slamdunk inScorpio- ranch gentlemen and a

Why do you feel gentlemen and a disc is Scorpio?Well, I think gentlemen and a very sexy, Scorpio, isThe zodiacIn one of the most sexy.

Ranch gentlemen and a deep color of skin, (though may be old surfing to bask in the town), believe that he give you the first impression in the cartoon is her towel to show the scene of strong muscle?Ah, now that I'm still really sexy to death!

Gentlemen and a look in the eyes is deep, deep than a high school student, it may be so he will be all kinds of people as old.

Many know, Scorpio is very shrewd, they were able to penetrate into the development of the key, is also good at solving problems, a is such a strong accent, wisdom of basketball player, will be gained the title of "emperor priest".

Slamdunk in Scorpio, pastoral gentlemen and a _ the zodiac

For basketball, the gentlemen and a disc is absorbed, his desire for victory, or rather, eager to win, and at the same time, his analysis of reasoning ability is extremely strong, ling in hainan in the south of the first world war, akira and ranch gentlemen and a a life-and-death accomplished two wise men's classic, Scorpio wily, plus a bit more rich experience in the field, the god of victory is the priest gentlemen and a visitation.

Gentlemen and a disc is hand authority, HaiNaDui captain, all the spiritual leader of the basketball team, even the coach gao tou2 remove comes to him, there is even a point to make three points, he is such a person, without anger, hunky is even a bit under the appearance of the authority of the fierce, this is the priest a gentlemen.(the zodiac/astro /)

Always feel inclined to challenge his character, both on the pitch and in life, "10" in the future, he likes surfing, how to stimulate and satisfy a sport!May, grazing in a surfing gained relaxation and pleasure, as well as to stimulate his spirit, right?Ha ha.

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