Leo: exalted lion king, love thought a low profile

Leo: exalted lion king, love thought a low profile

Is worry too high-profile people hate, also may be too love now also afraid of being targeted at ordinary times, the relationship between Leo rarely admits that he is a pompous love now, often a think "low", "personality", "don't care others evaluation", but every cell of the lion is super to care about others, any comment and opinion of himself who never let go, that is from the deep-rooted exalted nature, the habit, like on the stage show their subconscious "low-key, modest" only, he thought, to interact with the lion usually within two or three sentences, will find that the lion air pride of confidence is to show involuntarily.

To get along with the lion people happy, let the big appraisal of his nature!Don't go to refute his ideas and, as long as remember timely give a big round of applause lion, she will be very happy, think you are the world's most of his companion.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo: exalted lion king, love thought low-key _ the zodiac

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