Leo the lion is looking forward to true love, but more love

Leo: the lion looking forward to true love, but more love

Leo is inherently do not know the sign of the beating around the bush, idea, personality, temper is always straight to straight toward, but their direct is not altogether without discretion, will see occasions, degree of condition to decide its own "directly".

Often is in front of the person familiar with, the lion the easier to unload their own armed, capricious, stubborn, self-centered side will behave, especially in the emotion, the lion big trouble is, it is easy to ignore the other half of the feelings, coupled with the persistent and aggressive personality, prefer to control in the relationship, although the lion looking forward to the coming of the true love similar to ordinary person, but be afraid if it is true love, then they may lose control and subject to each other, so they are feeling always have the contradiction, complex mood, even in a variety of ways with each other's heart, prove themselves sometimes leos would obey their own people to love with all my heart and soul, in order to maintain the relationship of ownership.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo the lion is looking forward to true love, but love more initiative _ the zodiac

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