Leo: on the way of love

LeoOn the way of love


Lions are very self, even very arrogant, they always self-centered.Because the total victory in the pursuit of personality, lions are a workaholic, their world in addition to work or work, because work to their pride and a sense of achievement.

Lions in love, they always don't forget to work, also, of course, the lion will always have no time to thoroughly with their lover, often can let each other down, always let lovers feel ignored, think the lion is not enough love oneself, the worst thing is, of course, the lion is considered is unreasonable.

The principle of the supremacy of the work the lion to be changed, because the work is just work, love is a lifetime accompany in around you, to be very considerate man.(The zodiac /astro/)

On the way of the Leo love _ the zodiac

Leo: on the way of love

The duke of zhou interprets of query