Sagittarius on the way of love

SagittariusOn the way of love

Sagittarius: ideal

Strikers is a man of great ideas, their minds always put a lot of a lot of things, a lot of different ideas, strikers is precious little that is most strikers is a man of action, they think of things to do, very impulse, this is also a lot of time their lovers can't stand it.

Strikers have a lot of ideal, perhaps in the eyes of the strikers themselves seem to his ideal is so great, but in the eyes of others is so unrealistic.Strikers live in their own world, they don't care about the outside world, only single-minded pursuit of his ideal.

But the archer sometimes also should think for his beloved people, after all, life is real, the real world is the world we live.(The zodiac /astro/)

On the way of Sagittarius love _ the zodiac

Sagittarius on the way of love

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