The Leo men and women of the erotic techniques

LeoMen and women of the erotic techniques

The focus of the clear yellow

On behalf of the constellation Leo

Resolution:Bright yellow power from the sun, full of energy, you feel happy and lively, become the focus of public attention.Your popularity well.To realize what you are looking forward to love, you will pay any price for action.Your character is proud and arrogant, if who want to gain the favour of you, I'm afraid you must have exceptional ability.He must be able to bring you bright future, otherwise you will not be entrusted to him.You never admit defeat, if your ideal marriage broke down and you will be hit by the great, the mood changes very intense, and in a short period of time is difficult to restore.

Love color inspiration:Don't easily say die personality, makes everything you'd expect nothing, will feel pain, suppressed arrogant nature will eventually make you produce complex psychological, and may directly affect the mental and physical condition.Therefore, learn to relax yourself, don't will honor of representation is overweight, appropriate changes will partner as his mind, to show off the capital too outstanding narcissistic tendencies of the self and to the lover's appearance ability for high performance and can make themselves and the other party may not be easy.

Harmonic color:Your love is "swan", blue will teach you how to look more objectively.(The zodiac /astro/)

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