Libra men and women of the erotic techniques

libraMen and women of the erotic techniques

Romantic elegant purple

On behalf of the constellation libra

Resolution:Your romantic, charm and refined, rich sentiment, is eager to live in full of the artistic conception of art imagination, fragile and gentle character, easy to get along with, some narcissism.If you are not for love and live, or will be dedicated for art.Dependence on strong life, desire for the other half is you can rely on the strong arms of his life.Usually, you belong to the passionate lover, can the luxury beautiful love in the bedroom and the relationship between each other.Always like the people around you, keep a close state.Like romance, like flowers, like poetry, like the feeling of being in love, this is very concerned about your life.

Love color inspiration:Active communication with love, hard to avoid cause don't know what is true love;Unbearable loneliness, you often appear unwilling lonely, sometimes going to fall into the emotional bondage.Although the face of the opposite sex, you are not very active, you nice charm will deeply attracted to each other, but in front of your indecision and neutral features, often make the right object feels he is not important in your eyes, so that with "love".

Rely too much on feelings or other family members, for expecting with too much emotion, easy to make dreams dashed.

Harmonic color:Pragmatic olive can balance your hot pursuit of romance.(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra men and women of the erotic _ the zodiac

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