Leo will fear a race

LeoFear of fear of a race

Peer is unable to avoid in the crowd, flaunt wealth, cool, cool husband, dazzle your job ` ` `, proud Leo. If you know someone will go, and will realize that his superior performance, even than going down, they will refuse to attend the homecoming.

Party inevitably someone right to flaunt wealth of ourself, proud Leo (especially not mix up a what kind of) over the years can't bear such psychological gap.Even if go to, the negative emotions to be, will be to some of the students had no intention of poking fun at as of his own, and when Leo is above comfort yourself like Q, so beneath the homecoming of self-esteem, no interest has become an excuse for their fear.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo will race could _ the zodiac

Leo will fear anything related to a race

The duke of zhou interprets of query