Despite fears that fear of a race

AriesFear of fear of a race

Everyone is so pure, when I was a student at the time of graduation many friendly people Shouting the reunited years later must...The scene is just around the corner, but why was the most Aries with all sorts of excuse didn't go to a party?

If time can really go back, the simple Aries really want to return to the carefree student.See now reunion, mostly into comparison, male students than houses, cars, tickets, female students than the husband, what all can't have to stop eating and drinking, blame themselves or the husband why losers.Everyone face written great complexity and sophistication, it was the Aries to review at the beginning of class, had to keep a pure heart.(The zodiac /astro/)

What _ the zodiac Aries may fear a race

Despite fears that fear anything related to a race

The duke of zhou interprets of query