Leo lucky manual

  LeoLucky manual (lucky Numbers and good luck in the coming days, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky stone)

Lucky Numbers: 1

Lucky date: no. 1, 10, 28

: lucky week on Sunday

Lucky time: 11-13:00

Lucky flower: sunflower

Lucky color: yellow/red

Lucky charm: tapes

Lucky direction (date) : north north west, southwest, west, north north west)

Lucky place: squares

Birthstone: olivine (, disaster prevention, enhance concentration changing your luck)

Guardian stone: topaz (relieve psychological pressure)

Stone: topaz

Material: lucky gold

Suitable clothing, senior designer, eye-catching, unique clothing

Popular sensitivity: senior fashion

Must pay attention to the date on which the most: a month 4, 13, 22

Suitable career: politician, officials, performing the front of the tent of meeting of entertainers, and entrepreneurs

Suitable for both jewelry: necklace pendant

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