Gemini luck manual

  GeminiLucky manual (lucky Numbers and good luck in the coming days, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky stone)

Lucky Numbers: 5

Lucky date: 5, 14, 23

: lucky week on Wednesday

Lucky time: 8-22:00

Lucky flower: the fern fern, sayuri

Lucky color: blue/red

Lucky charm: sports towels

Lucky direction (date) : north north east, northwest west (north north east)

Lucky place: the high ground

Birthstone: pearl (change, disaster prevention, strengthen personality stability and harmony)

Guardian stone, agate (increase imagination, to carry out the dream)

Lucky stone, agate, crystal, topaz, mercury

Lucky material: aluminum, chromium, glass

Suitable clothing: soft demitint, quality is the wisdom of maturity, elegant style of dress, the girl's shoulder is a plus

Popular sensitivity: advanced pop

A month must pay attention to the date on which the most: 9, 18 and 27

Suitable for professional: marketing, mass communication industry, literature, information, creative design, transportation and public relations

Suitable for both jewelry: bracelets

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