Gemini: actually not that clever

Gemini: in fact not so smart

Many people heard the Gemini, basically impression of them can't jump, the idea in my brain, like to study ancient clever technology, etc., in fact they have got a bright surface, do you think they understand everything, but get along for a long time after you will find, Gemini is he who knows nothing but pretends to know, is not as smart as I imagine.For a lot of things in life only know some fur, even a bit life idiot tendency, often depend on parents or philipino everywhere as they packed.Gemini constellation is very lazy, as the lover of Gemini, if you can't tolerate the kitchen have maggots, room have roaches, then form the habit of he with you cleaning, taught them to smoke a pack of normal life, and to their evolution to take the initiative to clean, clean, then look at your accident.

Gemini: actually not that clever _ the zodiac

Gemini: in fact not so smart

The duke of zhou interprets of query