Gemini: fickle, again and again, Gemini can always justify

Gemini: fickle,Again and again,Gemini can always justify

Gemini in mythology is mortal woman rita and Zeus the twins born boy, the elder brother is mortal, and the younger brother is inherited Zeus divine but have eternal life, and the brothers feelings, do everything together.Later, two people together on the battlefield, perfect operational tacit understanding almost invincible, but in one battle, two people are in the trap, and the human body's brother serious injury death, the god of the body's brother we can pray for eternal life himself to the elder brother, profound brotherhood Zeus was very moved, so I put the two brothers in the sky, became the twin stars live.Yet even tacit understanding out of the kindness rallied to the brothers, there is no guarantee that has absolutely consistent idea, belong to Gemini is having such a dual personality, do things although ideas, but also very fickle renege, repeatedly, but often can justify for yourself with fluency and appearance!

Gemini: fickle, again and again, Gemini can always justify _ the zodiac

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