Taurus boys abandoned lover

TaurusThe boy abandoned lover

Main modes: cold BaoLiShi

Specific operation, silent and indifferent to each other

Possible outcomes: silent leave each other

Taurus isThe zodiacIn thefacesTo mouth are stupid, but it is also a good temper.In the face of love, has always been more cautious, Taurus is responsible.In general, they are not willing to cheating on this matter, but love is coming, who also can not hold up against, break up and holding hands, everyone is the same as true.

Taurus men abandon love means _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

But Taurus won't like itAriesNaked to each other like that showed his ideas, because they are very honest, don't want to see each other a sad look.But the way they take is very difficult, they will slowly cool down to you, like boiled frog reduce their enthusiasm, when you really want to save, it's too late.

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