Taurus need to quit lover type

TaurusThe types of lovers need to quit

Taurus need to quit the lover of types: independent type

Taurus is the sign of the guardian type, he likes to building your own castle, the castle enron to take care of themselves and their subjects.Both men and women, Taurus is the mindset of the Lord.

Encountered people who do not as a Taurus, such asGeminiAquarius:Like, just want to use their own way to take care of them.But they don't be ungrateful, sarcasm, Taurus, whether the way of life, the values of different, it is not love can solve.

That no matter how you can transform the lover, still give up, you can't fly to the sky become their counterparts, they can't feet on the ground to become your partner.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus needs to quit lover type _ the zodiac

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