Taurus: Taurus is not a waste of time to explain

TaurusExplanation: stubborn bull don't waste time

Taurus isThe zodiacThe most choose the good stubborn, as long as it is decided that the values of the people or things that others don't attempt to think about his idea, when most of the cattle are easy-going, as long as it doesn't violate his personal principle, he actually can cooperate with others, just priorities among this only he can well, for their own life logic with some degree of persistence, even more determined to pursue goals, and they usually don't waste time to explain it to others, anyway to do is a step in the right, one day you will understand, even if don't understand it doesn't matter, because Taurus know myself.In addition, cattle for love very have their own aesthetic view, usually like a fixed appearance or characteristics, so the understanding of the cattle people can't find them harmonized appearances before and after the person always have something in common, give a person a kind of nostalgic feeling, but in fact it's just a Taurus appetite is too lazy to try again to the sentiment, only some certain inertia!

Taurus: stubborn bull is not a waste of time to explain _ the zodiac

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