Taurus is the worst aspects of the relationship

Taurus: always a gift for lovers was dumbfounded

Taurus is madly in love period after wood, fall in love, when they most wood is a gift of it, especially in the birthday,Valentine's dayChristmasLover's graces, gifts and so on holidays in Taurus is not willing to spend money, but always don't know what to send her lover will feel happy and happy, finally some Taurus even can choose cash or a red envelope.For Taurus, the truth or to hang a lot this wood side!!!!

Taurus is the worst aspects of love _ the zodiac

Make a silk purse out of a can trick: (The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus is normal or want to learn to pay more attention to their own half like what, free or go shopping with her lover, write down what each other once said that oneself like, seeing much more understanding, it is a good method can send a thoughtful gift!

Taurus is the worst aspects of love

The duke of zhou interprets of query