Taurus Kiss big reveal

Taurus: SHH!Down a bit.

Stubborn premises, Taurus, the ground and slowly but surely.Likewise, for he is also a step by step, slowly to emotions, start from led hands first, then slowly toward the kiss.So he is used to kiss is the security for the first, place want to be safe, at home or any best airtight space;Get smart way to safety, had better be to kiss, you don't have to;And most importantly, object to safety, absolutely can't be a bitch or radio stations, one thousand of his private things everywhere, Taurus, but will be crazy.

Favorite kissing location: home or your home (preferably) his home

Most don't like kissing location: anywhere there are a lot of people, such as department stores,The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus Kiss the uncensored _ the zodiac

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