The Taurus constellation matching of a love-hate relationship

When sedate Taurus love does not listen to discipline of Gemini

When sedate Taurus love didn't listen to discipline him...

"So you in elaborate me!"

TaurusTalk about love needs most is stability, can have a bunch of rules to their own lover, and don't allow each other to change the status quo or with another opinion, this is because a Taurus dating will take each other as husband and wife.But for can't comply with the lover of life habit, these points is in Taurus will be more and more can't stand that, take each other as furniture, slowly turned a blind eye, wait until the point deduction to zero points, finally break up, of course, only one way!

The Taurus love-hate relationship horoscope matching _ the zodiac

Cardiopulmonary riots love object:Gemini (The zodiac /astro/)

When Gemini and Taurus love, first love do strange Gemini will suddenly become very clever, even the unreasonable demands according to the order, but before long you will find a Gemini's clever face began to break, he was always want to change the idea of Taurus, two people so easily turned upside down.

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