Taurus female heart hidden in the dark

Taurus female heart hidden in the dark

Back to male newsletter speed faster, longer articles: "I like the message to women will reply as soon as possible, and since you want to have a good reply they will write very long."So, from the women respond to messages can also determine whether she likes oneself.But also can't reply to draw the conclusions how alone, because sometimes women need to consider the content of the reply, so will hold up a lot of time.

Taurus female character slowly, the way to express love reserved and inside collect, when really love a person, they will not give to the right man in a very high-profile public confession of love, but will use more low-key approach to convey love.Weekend, for example, to ask people to your home, cook cooking for him, all show gentle is virtuous.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus female _ the zodiac heart hidden in the dark

The performance of the Taurus woman heart hidden in the dark

The duke of zhou interprets of query