Taurus boys put marriage psychological

TaurusThe boy put marriage psychological

To pragmatic and cautious, reality heavier Taurus men, economic factors may be why they put marriage is very important.They think, nowTo get marriedIt cost is too high, buy a house hundreds of thousands of good, get married after the child is "bottomless pit", now a personal life feel pressure big, once married to other responsibilities will drag down can do oneself, living standards (Taurus man attaches great importance to the quality of life) also decreases.So, opposite sex friend can place, life can be together, but if I get married...Still let me think again!

Advice to Taurus boy:Don't swing between effort and reward.In the pursuit of love, might as well more brave, more selfless.If you love someone, why not to pay more and care less, get in return is likely to be a lifetime of happiness.(The zodiac /astro/)

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