Taurus men flower heart

Taurus men flower heart? _ the zodiac

TaurusMen flower heart?

Need not worry about Taurus love not single-minded, because of his possessive instead, he will worry about your fickle, but some of them want to have two or threeA womanThe type of.

Painted flower heart index

Painted painted painted painted painted index to resist temptation

Scott, Taurus boys usually don't why?In fact, he wanted very much to, he also, to death, but his heart was fear of injury, if one thousand things burst open for him, he will be very worried about the consequences of responsibility, therefore it is a typical color small bold.If heaven lent him a pair of bravery, I think boys are very flower heart, in fact Taurus only based on the relationship of courage, Scott. He must not(The zodiac /astro/)

Conclusion: type color no bravery.

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